Saturday, September 25, 2021

We Snapped Purple Beans…Then Watched The Magic When They Turned Green When We Cooked Them

We cooked green and purple beans.

We loved eating them, then we discovered that inside the purple beans, even while they had turned green while cooking, they still had purple seeds inside, and the green beans had green seeds. 


Saturday, September 18, 2021

We Went Back In The Garden And Planted Winter Lettuce & Spinach


Afterwards we collected our supplies and stored them away until we need them again.

Spraying our babies carefully.

Then we planted our seeds.

We filled  our watering cans and soaked the entire garden.

First we added composite manure to our soil…spreading it out with rakes, then turning it over with our spades.

We Traced Our Names With Glue Then Covered Them With Sand

The result is an opportunity to learn proper letter formation when we trace the sand letters in our name.  


Friday, September 17, 2021

Writing In Young Fives Kindergarten Happens Daily

The kids “shared the pen,” this week for the first time when they added their names to our first group afternoon message.  


We are in the process of coloring the “Sound to Letter” card a little everyday.  In the future we will be using this visual aid during journal time to help us to identify the beginning sounds we isolate in the words we want to write.  This facilitates  child created inventive spelling, and eventually will help kids to sound out cvc conventionally spelled words.

We write our names everyday
We are concentrating on letter placement.between the skyline the mid-line, and the ground line, and proper letter formation.

We are putting chalk to chalkboard and learning how to write our numbers and letters.